Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Twitter Gathering:Present and Former Families

One of the ideas I had awhile back was to begin to start offering opportunities for my families to have some support and understanding into the how and why I use digital tools and technology to help them begin to not only feel comfortable, but also navigate themselves so they are also able to support their children as they grow.  So I decided to do 2 things.

1. Tomorrow I am hosting a Twitter gathering for former and present families.  Through this experience I hope to be able to support parents in their use of Twitter and also the value of using social media to connect, engage and enrich learning.  I have created a presentation here using Google.

2. I will be facilitating an online chat on Twitter with an America Achieves and #gpsnetwork colleague, Troy Rivera.  We will be using #familyconnect, from 7-8 PM, EST.  I look forward to facilitating this very important conversation about what you're doing to engage and enhance learning opportunities and family engagement with the children you work with. 

Here is the flyer I created for our chat.  I am hoping that after tomorrow's gathering present and former families will have an opportunity to connect and engage in this conversation because they will have lots to contribute and some recent training/support!

I look forward to adding to this post tomorrow after our gathering!

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