Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Session On Kidblog!

A Session About Kidblog!

On Thursday I offered an opportunity for former and present families to come and hear about how and why I use Kidblog as well as to get some blogging tips and support on using Kidblog with other devices.  I sent out a Google form ahead of time with a great response.  But on Thursday the weather was in the 50's, sun shining and after cold months, I am sure people were happy to be outside enjoying the fresh air! 
What Did Happen:

1. I was able to connect and share with a former parent and his daughter.  They were happy to be there as well as offering to come back anytime to support my efforts.  This was wonderful and speaks to the value and importance of having meaningful relationships with our families.  
2. I was also able to speak with people about the importance of connectivity and their role as a parent.
3. I was able to help with some "how to" steps as well as ideas about navigating on different devices.
4. Opportunities to have face to face conversations and ask about my timing of sessions offered, etc.

Moving Forward:

1. I will offer sessions for Kidblog, Twitter, Google Hangout and Skype in the beginning months of school.  I am hoping that I will have more engagement in a face to face setting because it will be early in the year and people will want to be supported in their efforts.
2. I will also think about having former students come to play/attend to the children who attend with their families.  This way the time can be focused on the session.

These sessions are valuable because they offer me opportunities to extend invitations to parents as well as opportunities for me to be reflective about the what, why and how I am involved in with regards to learning.  Very #grateful to be trying new things and for families to be involved alongside me as well.