Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reflecting, ReThinking, Imagining

What a wonderful year this has been.  I am thinking about all of the learning opportunities I have had as well as the invitations that have appeared because of my willingness to share, take a risk and be transparent.  I am so #grateful.....
Moving forward as an America Achieves Fellow I am thinking about what work needs to be done as well as how I am going to get everything in as well as why I ned to continue to engage in ways that promote family engagement.  This is one of my passions as an educator.  This is where I am able to make an impact that enriches not only my own life and growth, but that of my students and their families.
I have found that families want to be involved and engaged.  As an educator I have to find time and offer invitations for this.  Sharing my students voices is the heart of my work and it is what is most important.  Families matter.......  

Reflecting and thinking about my impact project....

1. I will be offering an informational mtg. in late August for new families and former students about "how to" use/access blogs, wiki's, Twitter, Skype as well as how and why I use social media.
2. I will also offer a session for Twitter and Kidblog in September for families.  I will also offer a repeat in late fall.
3. Continue to promote my facebook page as a way to share specifically the work I am involved in as well as the impact it is having on family, student engagement. Click here to like my facebook page!
4. Offering a monthly Twitter chat using #familyconnect I am hoping to do more publicizing on this so that others will join the conversation.
5. Self publishing a guide I wrote for teachers.  Hoping to have this ready by August!
6. Connecting with others, educators, parents to continue to find ways to engage and involve parents with their child's education....
7. Share my posts on my kindergartenlife blog, here where I reflect on my own professional practice.
8. I hope to be able to present more locally/nationally about how I am engaging families and the impact it is having...  Looking into the fellowship for support and ideas here.

Phew, that is it for now....

Also creating a Google form to send to families about their year and what has impacted them and their child.   Click here to see end of year Google Form parents are filling out in regards to their Kindergarten experience.Again, opportunities for feedback are very important.  Through our own ability to change, we grow and deepen our own learning...... #grateful